Wednesday 26 March 2014

Time re-dressed Presentation boards

Final collection- Handmade

For this collection i focused on colour and using geometric shapes devolped from my observational drawing from our yarn bomb. I didnt tend to stick to a particular colour palette due to our installation containing alpt of clashing and extravigant colours. I experimented with media such as - monoprinting, Free machine stich, oil pastels, charcoal, coloured pastels, indian ink and image transfer techniques. 

CAD collection

My motif was my inspiration for my CADcollection, i focused on different sections then experimented with colour and size then put it into different types of patterns (half/drop,repeat) 

My visulations i chose because i wanted an expressive extravigant garment as i think my prints are quite busy and might not suit a simple garment. The photographs i find are quite interesting to see my print on this type of setting and background i think presents my prints in an interesting way. 


Both these boards are my idea devolpmeents and how i have genereted my ideas into a collection.
Using alots of printing techniques, cutting into paper, monoprint and using alot of different types of media. 

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